Anita Lucia Speaking at The Healing Conference

Ladies and gentlemen, I would love to introduce, and will do so now, Miss Anita Lucia. Thank you.

Thank you so much; that was awesome. Thank you. I want to thank five people. The first of them, I’m going to thank God, my Father. Thank you so much, Lord, for allowing me to be here today, to be around so many of Your children who love You so much, and that they can share their stories of triumph and rising with so many. Lord, just thank you so much for loving us. I pray that You keep us all safe on our way back, Lord. You know where we’re traveling, Lord, and that You’re going to protect everyone on the street, including us. Thank you, Lord.

The second person I want to thank is Tnie. Tnie, you are—don’t cry—you are my conference confidant. We have talked through so many trials and tribulations. We have sung and praised our Lord Jesus Christ for the goodness that He does and for what He put here today. Hallelujah! Thank you so much, my conference bestie. I love you to the moon and back, you know that. I am so, so proud of what you have done. Girl, I love you so much.

This is my third conference here at The Healing Conference with T and Curtis. There’s no other conference I would do over and over, and I’m here for the long run. Sweetheart, I am here for the long run, okay?

So, the third person is my new Christian sister, Dolly. I have something—huh, that’s my twin, that’s your twin—I have something special for you. “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. This Little Light of Mine, I’m going to let it shine. This Little Light of Mine, I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.” I love you. I sang that to her earlier; thank you. Thank you. I sang that to her. I just met her yesterday, and God always puts us in the right place, seat, and time. Amen, amen, amen. I sang that to you this morning. God just told me to sing it, and she cried and said, “That is my song.” So, isn’t that amazing? Thank you, Jesus.

The fourth person is Miss Kathy. Earlier, you said you have never met a keynote speaker who sits down. Sweetheart, it’s your day because I’m going to sit down. You do you, sister. Yeah, you got it.

The fifth person is you, the guests. Thank you so, so much. If you didn’t speak today, God bless you for being here. Amen, amen. We are just so thankful and so blessed to have you.

I want to tell you a quick story about how the impact of the healing journey can impact so many others, especially guests. I spoke at the last conference in the summer at Tnie and Curtis’s event. There was a young lady who walked in here before we started, and she looked so lost and so confused. As she looked around for somewhere to sit, I looked up and I saw her and I said, “You can sit here.” And she said, “Oh, can I?” As she sat down, she said, “I don’t know why I’m here.” Honest to truth, that’s the word she used. I said, “Because you’re supposed to be here.”

This girl lit up. I said, “Are you a speaker, or are you a guest?” And she said, “Well, I’m a—I met—I don’t know Curtis, but I met Curtis through my restaurant, and I was talking to somebody, and this conference came up, so I asked my boss if I could come to the conference.” And she did. As she sat through the two days, she was so emotional. She couldn’t write notes fast enough on the paper. I was the one saying, “Amen, amen, amen.” Guess what? She was saying it louder. As the second day approached, right?

This young lady contacted me two weeks later to tell me that that day, she was going to go home and kill herself. She was going to commit suicide, and she explained that. And I knew because I was sitting next to her, and she had this beautiful bracelet, Kathy, on her ankle, but it had a red light that kept flashing. Do you know what those are? Ankle monitors, right? And I saw it but didn’t want to ask, “What is flashing on you behind your skirt?” Right? But she told me that she had been in prison for five years, and that she got released to her home for good behavior and different things, and that she was now allowed to work. Again, it is God’s timing. Okay, to meet Curtis and prove that she can be a member of society without robbing because she was addicted to drugs, and she would rob places and houses until she was caught and spent five years in prison. You know what? That’s all I needed to hear. It was God telling me, “You’re doing the right thing.”

As you can see, today I am Anita Lucia. As some of you know me, what do I come out as when I speak? Warrior Woman. I usually come out as a Warrior Woman. Who knows what a Warrior Woman of God is? Tony, can you tell us briefly what a Warrior Woman of God is? It’s a woman that never falls down—or she falls down, but she never gives up—and she just keeps on, right? Thank you, sweetheart. It’s called Faith over Fear. How many of you have that? Thank you.

God bless you. So, basically, I have been challenged the last three weeks with… Who likes story time? I want to take you to a place, and I’m going to sit down, Kathy, if that’s okay. I now want to invite you all to my home, the beautiful brand-new home that God provided for me three weeks ago in a place called Houston, Texas. I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I had to run for the sake of my life and my dogs’ lives from a very toxic, abusive person. And so, what happens is, through that, I refused the fear part. I welcomed the faith partly because I knew that I was not alone. He gave me the strength, as Anita Lucia, yes, I’m a Warrior Woman, to leave that day that I did and fill up my car, and put two doggies in the car, leave the wonderful job that I loved so, so much because I know that God has great plans for me ahead. Hallelujah! Who believes it, right? 2024 is on the way.

So, I’m inviting you into my new, beautiful home, and it has—believe it or not—a sectional couch. So, you are all sitting on my sectional couch. I was blessed with an incredible opportunity to go to New York City at the end of September with 20 amazing co-authors of our soon-to-be-released Warrior Woman 2. We didn’t get our books in time, so I’m holding up this wonderful sheet. We attended a beautiful, famous New York Fashion Show. We went to a taping of the Today Show and even witnessed the front cover of our book showcased on the huge megatron screen in Times Square. Wow, that was so, so cool and exciting.

One of my warrior besties there was our very own Tnie, seated right here. She was also my roommate, which was amazing. Yes, we talked about our mission ministry desires and future journeys. We had the time of our lives for three days, three busy days, showcasing our book and spending quality time getting to know each author better, which were some of the most awesome, courageous women I have ever met.

This book came out two weeks ago on Amazon. Friends, get a copy. If you don’t get a copy for yourself, get a copy for somebody else, okay? Because they [have] amazing stories. We all go through trials, tribulations, and journeys, right? Amen, correct? It’s what we do to get out of it and become warriors, okay? So, there’s that.

While Tnie and I were having a great time shopping and sightseeing in Times Square, my phone rang. It was my best friend, Linda, from Alaska. She asked me what I was up to. I clicked, “I’m in New York City, baby!” She was so excited and happy for me. She said, “Please call me when you get back home.” I said, “Okay,” not knowing anything was wrong.

The next day, the morning after, I decided to call Linda back while I was getting ready for work. When she answered, she did not sound like her normal self. I asked her if she was okay, and she replied, “No, not really.” I said, “What’s wrong?” Linda then said, “I don’t want to burst your excited bubble, but I have something to tell you.” I said, “Okay.”

She then told me that Kev, my once husband who became my boyfriend, called her while I was in New York, drunk. She said when the phone rang, she had a number on her new phone as Anita and Kev. She answered, “Hey girl.” Kev then said something very disgusting and vulgar about what he wanted to do to her. I won’t repeat what he said. She was in shock, so Linda just hung up the phone. Kev tried to call her back three more times before she blocked his number. She felt I needed to know right away, but when she heard how excited I was to be on my trip of a lifetime, she couldn’t tell me then.

As she was telling me, Kev walked in and said, “Who are you talking to?” And I said, “Linda.” Linda was on speakerphone the whole time, y’all. I said, “Did you say so-and-so-and-so-and-so?” And he said, “No, I don’t have her phone number. Why would I say that thing?” And this voice of Linda said, “Yes, you did. I’m going to call your phone right away.” And his butt rang, his phone was in his pocket. Yes, he was busted. Of course, he blamed it all on being drunk, as usual. “I’m so sorry” came out of his mouth.

After I got off the phone and confronted him, I suggested he go to rehab for his addictions. He said, “No way, I’m not going. Get over it.” That was a polite way—I left out the curse words.

So, I did it. For the next few weeks, I put possessions that meant a lot to me in a storage unit and completed my two-week notice at my job, which I loved very much. I loved everybody I worked with. But the whole time, while I was preparing to finally leave my toxic home environment and the person who was causing it, I felt like once again I was sinking into a black hole, and we’re going to talk about that black hole in a minute, trying to get out. I call it the ripple.

Have you ever felt that way, like you’re in a black hole and you’re swirling, you’re swirling around, but whose choice is it to swim and get out of that black hole? It’s ours, right? If you agree, say amen. Amen, amen, you all agree, thank you.

This time was different. It was time to walk my warrior talk and to be brave enough to walk out on my own as a strong, independent woman. I am now three weeks into it. Hallelujah! I am now living in a different state, thankfully with my two precious doggies, Bentley and Riley, feeling empowered, strong, brave, resilient, staying safe, and becoming happier every day. She noticed right away. I give God all the glory for his silent comfort when I am sad or even mad, and I will continue to praise Him for helping me to realize that I had a choice to leave. It was my choice. End of story. The end. What do you think? It’s hard, but it’s true. Okay?

True stories have to be told. That’s why we become speakers. I stayed silent from abuse, from being a domestic violence victim, for 59 years until God spoke to me one day and said, “Girlfriend, you need to get up. You’re going to write a book.” I said, “What? I didn’t even go to college.” “You’re going to write a book. You’re going to become a speaker.” And here I am, three years later. So, hallelujah! I’m going to be almost 64. Thank you so much.

So, we had to put this over here so that it wouldn’t be—that everybody can see, okay? So, here’s the black hole that I’ve spent almost all my life in, trying to get out of. Here, can you see that? How many of you have ever felt like you were in the black hole? Almost every one of you, great, okay.

So, this is the dark hole. But as I said, we have a choice, like a ripple, okay, to get out of that. I don’t know where my stone is, so I will act like I don’t have one. How many of you have ever thrown a stone in either a lake or a pond? Have you? What happened? Oh, there it is; thank you so much. Here it is. What happened? Thank you. It’s a ripple. It’s a ripple, right? What happens to that ripple when you’re standing there watching it? What happens? It moves out. It disappears, it dissolves, right? It chose to go away. So, there’s my other—uh, my next thing. We have a choice: sink or swim. How many of you have heard that, right? Sink or swim.

Over and over and over, I became a very good swimmer, right? Because I believe in me. I am worthy of greatness. I am worthy of love. Do you know why? God reminds me every day. Every day, when I walk into the bathroom, and what do you see? The first thing, right? The first person that you see in the morning in a mirror is yourself, the reflection—bad hair and all, right? So what I choose to do, since I saw that Anita is the first person that sees Anita, is I choose to tell Anita, “It’s going to be a great day. You’re going to repeat it: it’s going to be a great day,” right? Because we have the right to choose our own joy.

I spent too many years looking for someone else to fill my joy or my cup, right? It’s my time. So, I want you all to stand up. You tell me I have three minutes left, okay? Ready? Who has ever heard of that song, “Hokey Pokey”? We’re going to do the Hokey Pokey. Will you do it with me? Yes, ready?

The first one is the right foot. You put the right foot in, you put the right foot out, you put the right foot in, and you turn it all around. You do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around. That’s what it’s all about. You put the left foot in, put the left foot out, put the left foot in, and shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey, and you turn yourself about. That’s what it’s all about. Yeah. How did that feel? Good? Did that feel great? Yes.

So, what did you do? You did it yourself. Your neighbor didn’t pick you up and twirl you around. You did it yourself. You found your own joy in that old, familiar song.

There, if you look at your tables, what do you see? And who loves affirmations if you don’t have one of these by your table? I do. Okay, was it you, that beautiful lady with the glasses on the table, or was it you, Kathy, that said, “You can decide to be a victim or a victor?” Right, okay. I choose to be a victor. That’s why I dress as a Warrior Woman. If you go back in Bible times and you look at Esther, Ruth—those are Warrior Women, okay? Those are Warrior Women. I am a Warrior Woman of God.

At 59 years old, I was on a mission trip. Yes, I am a minister. I have a compassion ministry. Some people have heard this before. God spoke to me and said, “Listen, you don’t have a job during COVID, so you need to get off your butt, and you need to go outreach to other people.” So I did. In my car, with two co-pilots that I’ll call doggies, we went to 10 states, and we passed out hundreds of hygiene bags. Where were these homeless people going to get their masks, you know, or their hand sanitizers, right? If they welcomed a prayer, I was glad to give it. I am a prayer warrior. I love to pray for others.

Now, 90% of those people wanted the prayer. The 10% was like, “I’ll take your bag, get the heck out,” right? But I welcomed anybody, whether I just give them a bag or whether I say, “What would you like me to pray about?” I’m going to give you an example. There was this lady, and she was carrying this heavy, heavy blanket, and she was walking around. She was so weathered, and she’s looking for that pill, too, for no wrinkles, but she’s walking around, right?

This particular day was in Albuquerque ’cause I have a street ministry downtown Albuquerque. Now it’s going to be downtown Houston, thank you very much. And I stopped, and I rolled down my window, and she looked at me like, “What, what?” And I said, “I have something for you.” She said, “Really?” I said, “Yeah, my name’s Anita Lucia. What’s your name?” And she said, “Storm.” I said, “Storm, wow, that’s an amazing name. How did you get that?” She said, “Because my life is a storm. Storms are hectic, and it’s a fight to survive.”

And I said, “Wow. Can I get out of my car real quick? Can I pray for you?” She said, “Please.” Honest to God, when I got out, and went over there, she hadn’t bathed for maybe three weeks. I stood beside her, saying, “May I hold your hand?” She said, “Please.” How many people go up to a homeless person and want to hold their hand? Thank you, Tony. Thank you. I held her hand and said, “I’m going to pray for you, but I want to know, what would you like me to pray for?”

You know what she said? “Pray for peace on Earth.” Isn’t that amazing? “Peace on Earth.” I said, “Yes, I’d love to pray for that, but can I also pray for you? What—how can I pray for you?” And she said, “Just for protection, ’cause a lot of people have their own weapons, and they’re trying to get my blanket and my bag or whatever.” And I said, “Well, where do you live?” And she said, “I—” and she pointed down the street, and all I could see was all these shacks and material that they probably got from a junkyard or somewhere and just made a little home.

And she said, “I live over there.” I said, “Oh. Well, after I pray for you, can we go pray for your home and the people that live around you?” And she said, “Sure.” So I followed her to where her little camp was. They call it an encampment. Now, do you know what? This lady, Storm, had her head bowed. She was praying and receiving God’s word, God’s love, God’s compassion, and His help through my voice.

That story has stuck with me for three years. I didn’t bring Storm’s picture. I did ask her. I’ve been back a few times to see Storm. Now I know where she lives, and I would bring her special things, even treats. And I asked her if I could carry her picture and tell a story of Storm, and she said, “Yes.” And because of my hectic move and shoving stuff in the car quickly, I didn’t bring it. Cathy brought up a really good point earlier, as you all did. Have brought—I’m going to take a lot of this that I have stored on my paper, in my brain, on my phone, and I’m going to meditate and pray over all of it.

Thank you so much for all your words of wisdom and truth and for making it here to witness to other people. I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. But Cathy, again, I’m standing up this time. I’m moving my chair. Cathy said something very, very important, very, very important. This time was different. In the past, I would just start bawling and crying with your words, but this time, I was saying, “Jesus, You’re speaking to me. Thank you so much, through my sister. Thank you so much.” Because He says, “Ask for help when you need it. Ask for help.”

You see, that wasn’t Anita. It wasn’t Anita three weeks ago. She’s so busy witnessing, traveling, and spending lots of money to go to conferences to heal, love, and comfort others. She didn’t see that her husband had been texting eight different women; a lot of them were on a porno site, okay? I had to find this out by getting into his phone, and luckily, I knew—by the grace of God—knew his password. That was a reassurance I needed to get out of there.

So, I’m asking—I’ve talked to Tnie, and she said it’s okay—I’m asking for help today. Not only did I leave with a car full of stuff, three—two dogs, my life, my safety—but he immediately cut all my cards off. My bank cards that I had with him, I wanted to cancel, but because I love you so, so, so much, and I believe in what you’re doing here, and I believe in you, Tnie, I believe in you, I didn’t cancel. But I really didn’t have the money for the hotel, and I really didn’t have the money for the extra food. So, what did I do? I stole from Peter to pay Paul, right? You never heard of that, right? So, I switched things around and said, “Okay, Lord, You’re going to make the way.”

Today, what I’m asking you for is my table is way in the back, with the big head right there, Anita. See that? See that thing? I have books on there, okay? And I need you to buy my books, okay? Every book on there is $20 each. Please buy some for yourself, somebody that you want to witness, your offices, somebody because I am now actively looking for a job.

But as you know, a lot of people aren’t going to hire till after the first of the year, right? So, by the grace of God, I moved with my son. He has worse financial problems than I do. but he’s got a roof over my head. Praise God, okay?

So, I’m asking you today, wholeheartedly, please help me. You can pay cash, you can give a love offering, you can pay PayPal. And write this down. This is my email, it’s Anita’s Foods,

Today, I’m asking you wholeheartedly to please help me. You can pay cash, give a lot, love offerings, and pay PayPal. And write this down, this is my, under what it is, Anita’s Foods, F-O-O-D-S. I used to own a catering company in Denver. [email protected]

I’m so humbled to be able to ask you, and Kathy, thank you so much for giving me that empowerment. Although you and I talked about it, I woke up today after hearing such amazing people yesterday, and I told myself, no, you can’t ask these amazing people if they want one of your books. Who’s that talking, the bad guy, right?

But as I sat here and listened today, I felt like I was going to church with that Kent right there. I told you that, didn’t I? I felt like I was in church, right? I wanted to pull that, you know, I wanted to, I wanted to win on that tug war with Bill, right?

But please, I need your help. Thank you so much.


Join us next time at The Healing Conference!