Prayers To A Heavenly Father

This book was written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It came about as the author journeyed through a recovery program for (ex-) partners/spouses of sex addicts.



This book was written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It came about as the author journeyed through a recovery program for (ex-) partners/spouses of sex addicts. While writing out the difficult things that had taken place in her life, she began to write out prayers to her Heavenly Father. She soon found that her relationship with Jesus grew deeper because of the intimate prayers He gave her. She began writing them down and soon put them together in a book form to share with family and close friends. She credits God Almighty for opening the doors in so many ways so that the prayers will bless many others. God never takes us on a journey to keep to ourselves. It is always to share and encourage others.

Prayers To A Heavenly Father