Mary Beckman

Mary Beckman owner of Harmony Springs Life Coaching, Colorado Springs

Mary Beckman has been encouraging others to go forward in life for over 30 years and is an accredited Empowerment Coach Academy Professional Life Coach focusing on personal growth and accountability.

Working at her Harmony Springs Life Coaching business for the past three years, Mary assists clients in their journey of life by challenging her clients in small, powerful ways to grow personally. As a survivor of childhood abuse with over 25 years of healing with counseling and work through three different 12 step programs, Mary provides unique insight to those who are on their own recovery to wholeness journey or just want a bit of help to move past a nagging problem.

Although Mary has worked for over 25 years in the commercial and government arenas as an electrical engineer, software tester, and project engineer and has even traveled to Antarctica for a variety of company projects, she has always had the desire to listen to and help others move through personal struggles.

You can connect with Mary Beckman on her website: – Life Coach, What Do I Do Now

Phone: 719-930-2886

Contact Tonni Lea

Call or text: 719-429-5554