Chad Malone, Author, Empowerment Speaker & Podcast Host
Hello, my name is Chad Malone and I want to be part of your success story by serving you and your organization!
I will teach and encourage your talent how to grow through life while going through it. My passion is to add value to emerging leaders by equipping them with leadership skills and strategies to bring about a life of elevated potential and next level leading.
Clients find value in working with us to help solve their organization’s obstacles cause by a misunderstanding of leadership and the necessary skills. We can provide winning strategies for you and your team by providing opportunities of growth and transformation in leadership development, effective communication skills and tam building. Let us serve YOU and support you today!
People frequently ask, are leaders born or are leaders made? My response every time, “leaders are born naturally but transformed super naturally.” This means growing emerging leaders takes an invest of effort, time and work. Developing world changers is what we are passionate about and we would be honored to serv you and your group with leadership principles which stand the test of time. We have had the privilege of working with worldwide audiences. For example, a large organization in Kampala, Africa needed emerging leaders to combine the process side of leadership with the people side of leadership. Our methodologies assisted in creating an environment of growth and transformation.